True Preferences®
Weight Loss Mantra.

In order to manage weight,
we need to reprogram the brain
for a balanced nutrition applicable to a present moment of time.

A meal right now is only for a “now” benefit. “Now meal”
is not a meal for later!

To get the right result, we need
to learn to understand what you need now and apply this to a
“now meal” planning.

That is it. No more, no less.

We are the
“now” people!

Aside from state-of-the-art nutrition, activity
and hydration tracking, True Preferences® offers its one-of-a-kind, U.S. patented biofeedback technology that generates unique nutrition recommendations specifically tailored to each user based on their personal biofeedback reactions to assist in planning for the next meal.

For those in need of a personal coaching we’ve got that covered! Personal coach is at your fingertip just a click away! But that’s not all! Our interactive automations help realize user’s bad habits that held back all these years! True Preferences® will help ditch them to ensure users stay on the right path and keep achieved results!®


To better understand
the True Preferences®
unique approach,

we need to review a few historical and scientific facts before we get into the more complicated matter.

Human Brain
is to blame!

Consuming 20% of the total body’s energy, to support its activity, our brain consumes more energy than any other organ in our body compared to its mass. Considering that fact that the brain has absolute control over our very existence, it dictates its own rules. Think of it as a dictator, a tyrant. And what do tyrants do? They take absolute advantage for the purpose of their sole benefit.

But why!?

Thousands of years ago, survival instincts forced the human BRAIN to master the food selection process, primarily, to pick foods that bring the maximum amount of energy in the shortest period of time as it was never enough. To come around food was exceedingly difficult. In order to survive aside from burning all the tremendous amount of energy from their regular daily activity (like fighting with other tribes with spears, stone axes and sticks) our ancestors had to hunt which was not a picnic either. Lacking consistent nutrition, the human brain evolved to select food products that leads to a maximum energy conservation.

To stimulate the rest of the body “to fall in love” with the food products that are good for the brain and to stimulate it to move and hunt, the brain “realized” that the rest of the body needs to be properly “treated”. When the brain receives what it wants, it sends a signal for the body to produce dopamine. This neurotransmitter motivates individual behavior, leaving us feeling happy and satisfied. Thus, every time our brain receives what it craves — we feel happy. That may explain why certain foods rich in sugar, salt, fat, etc. may taste so much better than the others!

Here is the problem!

Our brain is always in a “hunger” mode looking to feed 24/7.

The environment that we live in has changed extremely very fast in evolution hours.

Today modern humans don’t need to run all day and hunt, live in a cave, survive in unbearable weather conditions wearing just draping fur over the bodies spending all that enormous amounts of energy just to survive!

The problem is that we continue to instinctively subconsciously crave foods that bring us the maximum amount of energy or lead our bodies to conserve it, disregarding the fact that we are incapable of burning it all off in a regular environment. Just like Pavlov’s dogs, the brain trained us to salivate for food that is right for the brain, not for the rest of our body.

Considering the fact that we are conscious of only about 5% of our cognitive activity, most of our decisions, actions, emotions, and behavior depend on the 95% of brain activity beyond our conscious awareness.

To acquire control of what we choose to include in our nutrition, we need to understand our brain’s behavioral trends in its subconscious state and upon that make an educated decision if we actually need this for our body at the present moment.

To be able to reprogram the brain, we need to take control over it!


Thanks to the latest breakthrough in neuroscience and development of biofeedback technology, our parent company Facecontrol, Inc., being a pioneer in telemedical biofeedback technology development, had developed a groundbreaking technology that recognizes specific uncontrollable cognitive body reactions during
a favorable subconscious decision-making process.


True Preferences®

This groundbreaking technology gives users an opportunity to take control of the brain’s decision-making process and escape from the tyranny of the brain’s hunger and its manipulation. Now you can decide if your cravings are actually something that you want to give in to or perhaps leave it for later.

Group 105

It is important to note, that True Preferences® approach does not contradict with conventional nutrition guidelines but only provides additional assistance — an unprecedented value to learn what products is better to avoid at the very moment.

Although you will see conventionally “healthy” food products in your “avoid” list, you should still avoid it. By doing so you will increase the effectiveness of the healthy nutritional plan, will increase your metabolism in accordance with physiological and pscychoemotional state at the very present moment.

So what is True
Preferences® exactly?

A remote non-tactile screening
of the main psychophysiological parameters of vital functions
and systems of the human body
lays in the foundation of the
True Preferences® IHSS.

During the operation, the System analyzed regulation mechanisms of physiological functions in the human body in real-time, including the current activity of sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation, assesses blood circulatory regulation system reactions and alterations in order to determine an optimal adaptive response
to presented stimuli as well as micro mimic reactions
of the user.


The methodology for evaluating
the results is processed using
standard mathematical models.

Methods of evaluation of the state of regulation mechanisms of physiological functions in the human body, in particular, general activity of regulatory mechanisms, neurohumoral regulation of the heart, correlation between sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the vegetative nervous system were carried out using statistical methods and comparison with the obtained results.

The system evaluates changes in muscle activity of neural signals when recording afferent (sensory) and efferent (motor) signals in the range of physiological stimuli.


Articles in journals
and press about our approach.

Katsuko Takada, Akira Ishii, Takashi Matsuo, Chika Nakamura, Masato Uji, Takahiro Yoshikawa. Neural activity induced by visual food stimuli presented out of awareness: a preliminary magnetoencephalography study. Sci Rep. 2018. 8(1):3119.

Wallner-Liebmann S., Koschutnig K., Reishofer G., Sorantin E., Blaschitz B., Kruschitz R., Unterrainer H.F., Gasser R., Freytag F., Bauer-Denk C., Mangge H. Insulin and Hippocampus Activation in Response to Images of High-Calorie Food in Normal Weight and Obese Adolescents. Obesity. 2010. 18 (8): 1552–1557.

Berthoud, H.R., Morrison, C. The brain, appetite, and obesity. Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008. 59, 55–92.

L.N. Van der Laan, D.T.D. De Ridder, M.A.Viergever, P.A. Smeets The first taste is always with the eyes: A meta-analysis on the neural correlates of processing visual food cues. NeuroImage. 2011. 55: 296-303.

Tamietto M. et al. Unseen facial and bodily expressions trigger fast emotional reactions. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA. 2009. 106: 17661–17666.

Scharmuller, W., Ubel, S., Ebner, F. & Schienle, A. Appetite regulation during food cue exposure: a comparison of normal-weight and obese women. Neurosci Lett. 2012. 518: 106–110.


not for medical use

Our services are for your personal, noncommercial use and are intended for informational and entertainment purposes only.
True preferences® is NOT intended to diagnose or treat any condition, to provide medical advice or to be a substitute for professional healthcare, and cannot be used for such purposes. Check with a doctor in addition to using our app and before
making medical decisions.

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