Look your best and get in control of all your life!

Easy and healthy weight loss solution. Patented in the USA.
Sign up today for a free trial and get a complimentary weekly nutrition plan now!
is a professional and the most comprehensive scientifically proven weight management solution that guarantees results!
After 8 years of research, we have created the most advanced, convenient and approachable personal nutrition coaching platform that offers convenience and ease of use!

It’s all about the technology.

scientific research
& development.

No more need to juggle between the apps, nutritionists and personal coaches!
Stop wasting your money! Let us help you clear the noise of useless weight loss advice, ineffective plans and meal planning questionnaires.

Features of the Application.

The interactive features of the application are automated and extremely easy to navigate.

What to expect after downloading the application.

We have included everything to help you get to where you want to get in the most comfortable and healthy way!

Upon downloading, during a quick 3 min max initial registration a user will answer a few questions providing basic information. Based on the indicated goal, the application will calculate a recommended time frame to provide a healthy weight management process.

True Preferences® approach encourages users to learn to live with the application to guarantee an anticipated result. We have created an extremely convenient and easy way to record your meals and your activities throughout the day. Hydration recommendations and monitoring will take care of your water consumption as well.

Once you sign up, you will receive a monthly nutrition plan, that we will update every month. It contains meals, recipes, ingredients and a shopping list. We made it all convenient and easy for you to use!

Also, for users who may want private coaching, our professionally trained nutritional coaches are available at your fingertips for an in-app chat or a video call!*

*some conditions apply.

Our state-of-the-art True Preferences® proprietary testing will guide what nutrients to include and exclude in your next meal to increase efficiency of the nutrition plan you adhere to.
The application is infused with other super useful elements, such as recipe book, integration with intelligent scales to insure easy and fast weight monitoring. Our journal feature allows users to record their thoughts and experiences during the process.

To keep the pace, we have also created an award system
to stimulate your progress.

There is no one-size-fits-all diet for your good health. In three easy steps you’ll be on your way
to feeling better and having more energy as you skip foods you body doesn’t need.

Step 1.

Before pressing a TEST button.

Step 2.

Our App analyzes your reactions.

Step 3.

“My True Preferences” Result page.

My Results.

Stats “Today”
Stats “Total”
Convenient Button Assistance
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/ 1 month

Nutrition Log
Activity Log
Hydration Log
True Preferences® proprietary testing
Good to know facts
My Journal
Weighting reminders
Weighting reminders
   Weekly promotions, quizzes, etc.
   In-app chat or video progress discussion


/ 1 month

Nutrition Log
Activity Log
Hydration Log
True Preferences® proprietary testing
Good to know facts
My Journal
Weighting reminders
Weighting reminders
Weekly promotions, quizzes, etc.
   In-app chat or video progress discussion


/ 1 year

Nutrition Log
Activity Log
Hydration Log
True Preferences® proprietary testing
Good to know facts
My Journal
Weighting reminders
Weighting reminders
Weekly promotions, quizzes, etc.
   In-app chat or video progress discussion

Special promotions.

Get a FREE coach consultation!

Get the most for your buck!

Proprietary technology patented in the United States


not for medical use

Frequently asked questions.

It’s a US patented technology that analyzes user’s personal reaction to presented stimuli, in case of true preferences® to food products, in order to assist in taking control over weight management and overall wellbeing improvement.
Capabilities of the technology go far beyond its present application.

True Preferences® approach encourages users to learn to live with the application to guarantee an anticipated result. We have created an extremely convenient and easy way to record your meals and your activities throughout the day. Hydration recommendations and monitoring will take care of your water consumption as well.

You can, if you follow the program tips regularly.
True Preferences is not a diet, it is a tool to analyze your body’s individual reactions to presented stimuli.
After testing, all food products indicated in your set are ranked according to your body’s reaction to them. For your convenience, we have marked the list in four colors – red, orange, yellow and green. Please keep in mind the following rules when studying your test results. Products that caused the strongest response reaction of your body are marked red. Consumption of these food products may cause a negative impact on your body and contribute to the accumulation of fat tissue as the body’s function of storing energy. These products should be excluded from your diet until the next test. Some of the products are marked orange. This means that they are attractive to your body and will be also used to accumulate energy as fatty tissues. You have to be careful with these products. The products in the yellow zone are virtually neutral to your body. They will help to save your energy. Use these when planning to have a next meal and your daily activities requires a little more energy than usual. The products in the Green Zone are absolutely neutral for your body. Go ahead and eat anything from the list of products marked green to support your normal daily food intake.
-Our body is constantly working to dispel toxins and unwanted matter from its various systems. Over time, the body gets run down from unhealthy food choices, alcohol, caffeine, drugs, stress, and environmental toxins that are a part of modern-day life. No matter how healthy your diet or lifestyle may be, external factors still require us to give the body a chance to recharge and dispel anything that may be holding us back from experiencing superior health and long-lasting vitality.

-Detoxification takes into consideration the alkalization, homeostasis, enhancement, and revitalization as well as cleansing. Eating whole, plant-based foods is the golden key that unlocks the door to health, vitality, and of course, weight loss. The benefits that detox brings are too many to name. With every single piece of food you put into your body, you are either working to rid away waste within the body and the fat cells, or creating more waste with the body and the fat cells. Detox is not only vital to weight loss, but vital to health overall.

-Detox can easily work around your schedule as this is a nutrition-based detox. There are no fancy methods being used here to cause a disruption to your daily routine.

 -You’ve been literally calorie-counting every spoon of food that you’re eating, and may even be exercising regularly, and yet, you see your weight on scale going north. Take it as an indication of toxic overload. Our goal is to focus on waste loss not weight loss. We achieve this by detoxing the waste out of the fat cell itself. Getting to the root cause of WHY you are gaining and retaining weight. When the fat cell is overloaded with toxicity from the standard American diet and foods that cause acid and inflammation which leads to toxicity, the fat cell itself expands causing you to see the scale skyrocket leaving you majorly frustrated and wanting to quit. Therefore, you cannot really lose weight till you’ve detoxified your body.

Sync option is not available in Basic Edition. Following Pro Edition offers such capability.

No, our App requires internet connection, since the results are processed on the server.

Not at the present moment. The App was designed to work on mobile phones.

This is the second upcoming edition of our APP. For a small fee, this edition will offer additional capabilities, such as: Integration with Apple HealthKit, Pedometer, Water calculator , Daily Burned Calorie calculator, Motivational Group Challenges and Tasks, Awards & Bonuses for Challenge Winners, Activity and Food Intake Log, Archive Calendar with Activity and Food Stats, Add up 600+ Images to Your Personal Food Library to Customize your Test, Additional “Check Your Intuition Testing. Intuitive Health App for Release
Access to 50 Images Food Library to Scan and Receive Your Current Test Results Revealing your True Preferences, Ability to Test Before Each Meal (5+ Times per Day or Every Two Hours), Receive Two Types of Personalized Statistics: “Today” Stats and “Total” Stats (that totals all previous scans), Meal and Test Reminders: Set Helpful Reminders on Your Phone for When to Test and When to Eat. Intuitive Health App for Release

At this point, Apple Watch does not support True Preferences.

Only Pro and Pro Plus Editions support this option.

Your email is required during registration, as well as for feedbacks and for interactive communication. For more information please see our Privacy Policy and Terms.

All of your personal information is confidential. We use encryption protocols to transfer and store your information.

Contact Us

true preferences® created by FACECONTROL®

Eat mindfully.

Lose weight for good and increase your wellbeing. Using a smartphone camera, discover the foods that have been holding you back.

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Step 1. Before pressing a TEST button.
Before taking the test make sure to follow these instructions for optimal results:
Step 2. Our App analyzes your reactions.

Using a cellphone camera, our App will analyze your reaction of facial skin discoloration and micro movements to each food product. Based on our US Patented technology, the App will interpret individual needs toward each item.

Step 3. “My True Preferences” Result page.
As a result of your test, you will see products that your body reacted to. That means that these foods may cause your body to store more energy that required that in turn will be processed into fat cells if not burnt by significant physical, mental and/or emotional activity. Please visit our “Information” popup window for more information on our App page.
Stats “Today”

This menu presents valuable information about your Today’s test results combined and analyzed together.

Today’s Stats

Today’s Stats offers your statistics for one day. You can use the test results to adjust your meals for today. Please note, that even if you get a “harmless” low calorie product, such as celery or a carrot, as a result of your test, still exclude it from your diet for the near future. Moreover, if your goal is to gain weight or to receive maximum needed energy in case of serious physical, mental or emotional activity, please eat foods that you received in your results, as they will bring you more energy. Your body will burn it faster than usual.

For those, who are trying to take control of their weight and lose a couple pounds, we propose that you limit the use of those products flagged as a result of the test up until the next test. Testing should take place several times a day before each meal and even before a snack. The ideal time between meals is approximately four hours. Keep in mind that with this application the test can be done only once every two hours. This pause is necessary for the body to adapt and reset from the results of the previous test.

Please, take the test several times a day, before each meal and even before a snack. If you have various kinds of medical restrictions or allergic reactions to the food used in our application, we kindly ask that you consult a doctor and not to use these products.
Stats “Total”

This menu gathers information about all test results. 

Total Stats
The results of all tests go here. The more often the same product appears as a result of each test, the more points it gets. After passing each test, the value and placement of the product on the list changes. Products with the highest scores fall into the red zone, which means that the consumption of set food provides additional energy to the body and without significant physical, mental or emotional movement, this energy can be accumulated by the body in the form of fat cells in reserve.
Products with lower scores fall into the orange zone, which means that they are attractive for the body and will accumulate energy in the form of fat cells. Be careful with these products.
Products in the yellow zone are almost neutral for the body. They save your energy in a balanced way.
Products in the green zone are entirely neutral for the body. Their use will not cause the formation of additional fat cells.
The more tests you complete, the more accurately the information in the statistics matches your True Preferences.
Please, take the test several times a day, before each meal and even before a snack. If you have various kinds of medical restrictions or allergic reactions to the food used in our application, we kindly ask that you consult a doctor and not to use these products.
Convenient Button Assistance

Explanation to each screen is conveniently located in the top right corner of a screen under an () button on each page to help you navigate through the app.